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How to Unlock a Car When You Are Locked Out and Without a Key

Nothing is worse than the panic that ensues when you realize you have misplaced or lost your car keys or somehow managed to lock them in your car. Those keys are quite literally the key to your transportation to work, home, school, and extracurricular and recreational activities. When you are on your way out the door and end up running around anxiously searching for those lost keys, the feeling of impending doom can quickly take over your perspective, and without a valid car key replacement, it can also ruin your day.

Patience and practicing self-care may not be the most straightforward thing to do at the moment, but you should always take a second to regain your composure before becoming frantic and frustrated. Take the time to search for your keys before assuming the worst, and if they are still missing in action – there are a few solutions you can explore.

Use Your Spare Key, if Accessible

Finding your spare key is the quickest way to unlock your vehicle and get back on the road. It is always essential that you have a spare on hand or nearby to ensure that you have more than one way to get your car started. A spare can come in handy even if your keys are damaged, your ignition is acting out, or you need to lend them to a friend or family member.

Locating your spare car key is the most apparent resolution, but sometimes, the spare is not just sitting around waiting for these situations to save the day. If you do not have a spare, then you will have to continue with your expedition in unlocking your vehicle.

Unlock Manually by Getting Crafty

Are your keys within reach and simply locked in the vehicle? You must get creative and find ways to unlock the car without your handy-dandy car key. There are so many ways to open a car door, and you can utilize plenty of resources available on the internet for your research.

Use String, Fishing Line, or Something Similar

A string or fishing pole and line are among the oldest ways to fish out those keys and unlock your driver’s or passenger side door. You can use thin rope, twine, or anything string-like in nature so long as you can drop it into your car to manually unlock or fish out those keys sitting on your driver’s seat or in the center consul.

Make a loop at the very end of your string or twine for grabbing onto your lock mechanism, and once you reach it, pull up, and congratulations, you have safely returned to your vehicle!

Grab a Clothes Hanger

Another oldie but a goodie – is the clothes hanger method. This can look easier than it is; granted, attempts with a fishing line or string are equally challenging, but it is worth a shot.

You will want to utilize a wire hanger because you will need to take it apart from the shape it is currently in. Straighten out your wire hanger so you can push it down into the crack of the vehicle – that space between the door and the interior of your car…poke it down towards the lock and fiddle around until you can click that unlock button.

Attempt with Inflatable Pump Wedge

The pump wedge is a little more complicated, leaving much room for error and possible damage to your car door and locks. First, you must get your hands on an inflatable wedge kit. You can also find these kinds of kits on Amazon and hardware stores. You may watch a video or two before committing to this unlocking method.

The wedge is wedged into the door seam to create a space between the door and your vehicle’s interior; once that is in there, you can insert any tool to unlock the door manually. These activities are only good if your keys are locked in your vehicle. If you genuinely cannot locate your keys or a spare, you must resort to other means.

Try Connecting with Your App

Newer vehicles are being manufactured to inhibit you from locking your keys in the car, leaving the keys too far behind, and even creating digital key access. Remote unlocking should be available through different manufacturers, but you must confirm your vehicle and that you are the vehicle owner.

If you haven’t already, sign up for an account using your car’s make and download the app associated with that manufacturer. Pair your vehicle with the account to see if you can utilize the application as a remote key fob. This should help prevent any future lockouts while maintaining the security of your car.

Call A Reliable Local Locksmith

If all else fails, you can always depend on a licensed locksmith to get you back into your car, supply a key replacement, and program any fob or transponder necessary. First Choice 24-Hour Locksmith is always available around the clock to meet your needs and meet you wherever you may be to unlock your vehicle and provide a replacement car key.

They can reprogram your transponder and fob keys and provide a spare so you can avoid being locked out of your vehicle again. So, if the shoelace, hanger, and inflatable pump wedge were all to no avail – First Choice 24-Hour Locksmith is the go-to full-service locksmith in Colorado because their customers always come first. The next time you are in a lock-and-key emergency, remember you can always lean on the professionals to deliver your locksmith needs!