How Donnette Dawn Thomas is Making a Positive Impact with Mindful Missions of SC

Donnette Dawn Thomas

Donnette Dawn Thomas aka The Beauty in Business is a successful entrepreneur, actress, writer, and mother of three, who’s giving back and making a positive impact with her non-profit organization Mindful Missions of SC (M2/SC). M2/SC is focused on enabling long-term community change by helping children who are living in poverty.

The organization is centered around Donnette Dawn Thomas and her team’s belief that every community holds individuals with amazing potential, but sometimes that potential is thwarted by poverty. Using proven life-changing programs, resources, and tools, M2/SC helps to realize the potential of the most vulnerable so that they can rise up and not only benefit themselves but the community they came from.

M2/SC provides children and adolescents with personal and professional skills, employment, and services that support them. The organization is supported by donations that help create thriving communities where everyone’s potential is nurtured and encouraged.

M2/SC has 4 key programs, focusing on health, education, employment, and empowerment. All of these programs are connected in helping individuals and communities break out of the cycle of poverty and realize a better future.

Their health programs focus on developing healthy habits in children, as well as making sure they are connected with appropriate services if they need help. With regards to education, kids are helped to complete secondary school with practical support in terms of paying school feels, suppling required uniforms, classroom supplies, tutelage, and scholarships.

Through a combination of mock interviews, resume preparation, vocational training and more, teens are helped in developing skills that help them enter the workforce and change their lives for the better.

The final piece of the puzzle is empowerment through programs that promote leadership and teamwork, helping create a ripple effect where future generations are assisted by those who came before.

With her sincere passion for helping people from all backgrounds achieve success, Donnette Dawn Thomas’ work as CEO of Mindful Missions of SC is something to be praised and admired.