Everything you need to know about Hitechies

Hitechies isn’t just another business blog. Hitechies is one of the most highly commended blogs for tech professionals worldwide, keeping up to date with developments day in, day out. The blog exudes information on technological innovation, including exciting and profitable new technologies such as artificial intelligence, digital marketing and cryptocurrencies. The ever evolving nature of technology makes it vital for entrepreneurs and professionals to constantly up to date with new developments and innovation within the tech world.

Hitechies had humble beginnings, starting off as a digital marketing agency. And like digital marketing agencies, articles and blog posts were written for marketing purposes. However they soon realised their skills lay in publishing stories about entrepreneurs, and thus Hitechies was reborn as a publishing platform.

The mind behind Hitechies, Pramod Dhakal, is well versed in technology – with a background in computer science, and has spent the better part of 20 years exploring and understanding new and innovative technologies. With experience in leading large scale transformation projects in companies, combined with strong tech experience, it was inevitable that Hitechies was to be created.

It would be wise for entrepreneurs, tech professionals or even businessmen looking to stay up to date on new technology, to keep browsing Hitechies regularly. Cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence are recent technologies, but have both proved to be significantly influential in the world of tech and business. In addition to this, blockchain technology is all the rage throughout all facets of the tech and business world, and has uses in every single industry.

Hitechies offers not only up to date news on the ever changing tech world, but also an informative blog. The blog posts articles to do with current affairs in the tech world, as well as opinionated articles coming from a very knowledgeable tech source.

Hitechies offers a vast wealth of information for the tech professional, businessman and entrepreneur. To take advantage of this information would be significantly beneficial, as technology is always changing and updating. One tech that is in use now could be made obsolete by next year, and it is crucial to stay on top of updates to ensure continued success for yourself and your business.