5 Amazon Best Selling Kindle eBooks For a Good Time Read

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Stories are a great way to look at life from a different point of view, opening our mind to all sorts of different characters. They entertain you, make you cry and even leave you learning something new.

The perfect way to end a night is by having a good old read by the sofa, giving you literary inspiration for all your sweet dreams. Here we will be recommending the top five Amazon kindle eBooks to read while having a nice cup of tea.

Amazon Best Selling Kindle Books:

1. Justice: A Novella by Scott Hughes

Justice: A Novella by Scott Hughes

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Justice follows the story of a marriage breakdown with an unusual twist. Exploring the issues of infidelity and promiscuous behavior, this story focuses on bringing about the issues of a lack of sexual appetite for women under the ball and chain. She finds herself in a much more happier place, even if happiness means destruction and unfaithfulness.

2. The Founder Success Formula: 13 Strategies to Master the Art of Influence & 15 Leadership Tools to Transform Your Company by Ross Franklin

The Founder Success Formula: 13 Strategies to Master the Art of Influence & 15 Leadership Tools to Transform Your Company by Ross Franklin

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Any business owner starting out will appreciate this book. For those looking to finesse their leadership skills, they will gain the right advice and tools to make them ready for business. This formula will offer you heartwarming stories from a few talented people, showcasing how you can carve out your own path to greatness.

3. Holding Fire: Short Stories of Self-Destruction by Scott Hughes

Holding Fire: Short Stories of Self-Destruction by Scott Hughes

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Adding fuel to the fire is never the answer. Here’s a story that’s set in flames. For readers who like a bit of an angry tale, Holding Fire offers a series of tales from 10 talented and up and coming authors surrounding the self-destructive nature of humanity. These stories by Chris Chan, Kristi Huecek-Ashill, Maggie Stancu and many other notable writers, were picked out by judges to create this incredible read.

4. A Little Bit Wild (The York Family Book 1) by Victoria Dahl

A Little Bit Wild (The York Family Book 1) by Victoria Dahl

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Move over Jane Austen! Victoria Dahl is winning the game of periodical romance novels, especially with her critically acclaimed tale, ‘A Little Bit Wild’. Reputation and marriage is a theme in this story, showcasing how beauty can surprise you in unexpected ways.

5. Trusting Molly (Silverstone Book 3) by Susan Stoker

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Not the typical romance novel, Trusting Molly explores the relationship between a female science teacher and a man overcoming trauma from his past military days. Smoke has always had an issue with matters of the heart, spending most of his life going for the kill as a military man.

He comes across Molly, a schoolteacher who happens to find her and her students kidnapped in the jungle in an excursion gone wrong. Letting their paths crossed, they find themselves falling in love in the most unlikeliest of places.